On January 21, 2025, the SEABAT project team gathered for the 9th and final General Assembly at the CEA facility in Nantes, France.
The GA09 was mainly for wrapping up the testing activities and define the final steps in the last months of the project.
- WP6 – Testing: The session included a detailed review of the testing results, along with an in-depth explanation of any failures presented by SINTEF and CEA.
- WP6 Finalization Plan: The discussion focused on deliverables and the roadmap for type approval, with contributions from CEA and SINTEF.
- D3.4 Status Update: Flanders Make provided an update on the project’s progress and outcomes.
- Conclusion on Final Results: This session allowed for a comprehensive discussion of the final results, with lessons learned shared by all participants.
In the afternoon, participants visited the CEA test site and see the full HESS system in real life.