Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Faculty of Engineering, is a non-profit cooperative university focused on providing high-quality education, research, innovation and transfer of knowledge and technologies to industry. The Faculty of Engineering initiated its activity in 1943 promoted by José Mª Arizmendiarrieta, who was the founder of the cooperative movement in Mondragon (Basque Country). Today, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, (hereafter MGEP) belongs to the Mondragon Corporation, which integrates 266 companies and cooperatives, 15 technology centres and over 80,000 people. Within MGEP, the research group of energy and power electronics develops its activities in the study and analysis of specific applications of power electronics (energy generation, renewables, industrial applications, traction, etc.), in the study and analysis of electronic power converters (design, modelling, control and analysis) and in the study and analysis of electrical machines (design, modelling, control and analysis). Some relevant projects developed by the research group which have some relation to the topic of the project proposal include RENNOVATES (No. 680603), GASAC (Spanish Government – RTC-2017-6091-3), ROAD2DC (Basque Government – KK-2018/00083) and BATT-Ex (Spanish Government – RTC-2015-3358-5). Other European projects in which MGEP has participated include: OPTEMUS, SMARTENCITY, DIMAND, CITYFIED, CIRMET, PRODUCTIVE 4.0 and HIFI-ELEMENTS. MGEP brings into the project critical expertise related to AC and DC power systems control and design, energy storage sizing and integration in vessel applications and power converter control and design.
Our main tasks in the SEABAT project
MGEP will broadly participate in the design and development of the battery system components.
We will focus on modelling and simulation of the interface between energy and power storage systems, i.e. the DC/DC converter and its control. Moreover, MGEP will support other partners in tasks related to the integration requirements definition, components development and the virtual integration and validation of the modular and flexible battery system.

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SEABAT is a key project to consolidate a roadmap towards decarbonizing maritime transportation, betting on the development of efficient energy storage systems. This project is an opportunity for MGEP to strengthen our position on Partial Power Converters, Battery Management Systems and Power Hardware-in-the-Loop systems