This work package will validate the developed battery system concept. This includes proving reliability and effectiveness of the chosen concept, to validate that the developed battery system topology works as intended in a realistic environment and to verify fault-tolerance and fault ride-through capabilities of the developed system topology and control system, considering both electric and electromechanical faults.
Also, a Power-Hardware-In-the-Loop framework for virtual integration and testing will be developed.
A roadmap for final type approval / certification of the developed system will be a specific outcome of this work package.
The following reports are (or will be) available. When confidential information is included a public summary will be at your disposal.
- Report of the Integration and validation test program (D6.1)
- The P-HIL test setup description (D6.2)
- Report of the Full battery system test program (D6.3)
- Virtual integration and validation test results described in a report (D6.4)
- Report of the Full battery system test results (D6.5)
- A Roadmap for type approval / certification report (D6.6)